Travel Unpacked - Quizzes

Travel the way you want it

I always love a good puzzle or quiz and it is evident that my readers do too. Most popular is the long running “Where in the World…” quiz where you identify a city from a distorted photograph.

There have also been other occasional quizzes of different formats that have proved quite popular. Now they are all brought together in one place on this website to make them easier to find.

Check back on this page often as there will be some quizzes with prizes and it would be a shame to miss out on them. Every quiz will also be featured on the home page the moment they are published and will remain there for about a week.

Where in the World puzzle featured image swans fly in in formation
Travel Quizzes
Gordon Lethbridge
Where in the World (654)

Answer to edition 653 The three tall buildings joined by what is known as the Skypark are striking in their architectural design.

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Where in the World 653 Featured image lavender in field
Travel Quizzes
Gordon Lethbridge
Where in the World (653)

Answer to edition 652 There are few guilded domes to research and the number is reduced even further when the intricacy of

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Travel Quizzes
Gordon Lethbridge
Where in the World (652)

Answer to edition 651 If the gondolas didn’t give you a clue then the iconic structure of Basilica Santa Maria della Salute,

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Where in the World 651 featured image falmingo in lake
Travel Quizzes
Gordon Lethbridge
Where in the World (651)

Answer to edition 650 One reader used the bridge and another used “the pointy building” to identify the city. The bridge is

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Where in the World 650 featured image ferris wheel against orange sunset
Travel Quizzes
Gordon Lethbridge
Where in the World (650)

Answer to edition 628 Is it a whale’s tail? Or is it a mermaid’s tail? It is actually a fountain sculpture by

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Where in the World 649 Whale fluke iceberg
Travel Quizzes
Gordon Lethbridge
Where in the World (649)

Answer to edition 628 While the cathedral bers a striking resemblance to several other cathedrals across Europe there are a number of

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