What is Extreme Travel?
Every Wednesday at 10:30am I co-host a travel chat on Twitter, appropriately called #travchat. You can read more about it here. Today, the topic was extreme travel.
The question was asked; “What does extreme travel mean to you?” The answers covered extreme environments and extreme experiences. Here then are a few I feel captured the general direction of the chat.
A1 Extreme for me is taking on those challenges very few people do, trekking through jungles, hiking volcano ranges ... but extreme for someone else can simply mean travelling solo for the first time ever. It's very individual. #travchat
— Bemused Backpacker (@bemusedbackpack) July 1, 2020
A1: What's extreme for one person may be totally normal for someone else. Backpacking and staying in hostels may be "extreme" for some. For me it's anything from harsh environments (Antarctica, desert expeditions) to activities (ultra marathons, caving etc) #travchat pic.twitter.com/4QpG437wyU
— Travel Lexx (@travelexx) July 1, 2020
A1: Anything that pushes you out of your comfort zone away from your normal routines.
— The Tourist Trail (@TheTouristTrail) July 1, 2020
Less relaxing on the beach and more sleeping literally on the edge of a cliff... #travchat
📸 Cliff Camping with @GaiaAdventures in #Wales
Image Rights: @ST_TravelMag pic.twitter.com/7wDgO7S4mx
A3: I think the difficulty is that if you book through an agent, it doesn't feel extreme because everything is planned out for you. Part of the beauty of extreme travel is that you can tailor it to you, and push you to your limits, whatever they may be! #travchat
— dealchecker (@dealchecker) July 1, 2020
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One of the most important aspects the came up was the issue of travel insurance. It is essential for any travel and even more so for extreme travel.
A3: Very boring to look into, but also very essential - make sure your travel insurance covers everything on your trip #travchat
— AdventuresOfJellie🗺️ (@AofJellie) July 1, 2020
A3: The importance of a high quality insurance policy to cover you should the worst happen. It's a sensible answer but it can be difficult to acquire.
— The Tourist Trail (@TheTouristTrail) July 1, 2020
We can recommend Harrison-Beaumont for Activity Travel and Equipment Insurance. #travchat
👉https://t.co/DdvkBhwXii pic.twitter.com/4L7WcScFvv
Extreme Travel favourites
#Travchatters were asked to pick their favourite extreme travel destinations/experiences. One of my favourites was snowmobiling the ice fjords of Greenland. Here are just a few that were mentioned on #travchat.
A4 - I'd probably pick abseiling down waterfalls in Vietnam! #travchat pic.twitter.com/fmqcVRtg4j
— Sarah's Sojourns (@SarahsSojourns) July 1, 2020
Volcanoes are hot! These are a couple I've been to... #travchat pic.twitter.com/ryF7tN9c30
— Stuart Hurlbut (@StuartMHurlbut) July 1, 2020
You do not necessarily have to travel to the ends of the world for an extreme experience. For those readers living in the UK @TheTouristTrail has this suggestion.
A4: Via Ferrata in #Cumbria - you probably wouldn't think of extreme travel in the UK but there are plenty of opportunities for thrill-seekers here. #travchat
— The Tourist Trail (@TheTouristTrail) July 1, 2020
📸 Extreme Via Ferrata at @honisterdotcom pic.twitter.com/S2UJ4agnDC
Joining in on #travchat
If you would like to join #travchat, the weekly chat on Twitter, then search using the hashtag #travchat and join in on Wednesdays at 10:30am UK time. We would love to meet you there.