Where in the World (652)

Answer to edition 651

If the gondolas didn’t give you a clue then the iconic structure of Basilica Santa Maria della Salute, one of two basilicas in the city, should have helped identify it. The Santa Maria della Salute can be found in the city famed for its gondolas, Venice.

Where in the World 561 Venice

Last week's winners

Congratulations to those who identified the distorted city from Where in the World (651) as Venice: Dee (@deecornes), Tim (@timofnewbury), Jackie (@jackiesjourneys) and Atul (@pixodentist).

Well done everyone. 

This week's "Where in the World..."

This week features another dome, perhaps not quite so recognisable as the basilica of last week. It is not, however, atop a basilica. Good luck in your investigations. 

Where in the World 562 distorted image

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