Answer to edition 639
Last week’s “Where in the World…” appears to be a fortress in the middle of a roundabout. The style of architecture indicates that the city is somewhere in the Far-east. Further research would reveal that it is a UNESCO World Heritage site and that it is the Janganmun Gate, part of a historic fortress. It can be found in the city of Suwon.
Have you heard of it? It’s a city in South Korea near the capital Seoul.
Last week's winners
Congratulations to those who identified the distorted city from Where in the World (634) as Boston, USA: Atul (@pixodentist@pixodentist), Tim (@timofnewbury), Jackie (@jackiesjourneys) and Rebecca (@rebhalp).
Well done everyone.
This week's "Where in the World..."
This week is another distorted image where the architecture is a clue to which region of the World to focus your research on. Good luck.
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