Water-to-go bottle that fights plastic pollution

Stop single-use plastic use

It is single use plastic that is causing the current pollution problem. I was reading just today one person admitting they went through 6 bottles of bottled water a day when travelling. Each bottle adds to the billion bottle problem as they are just thrown away.

Enter the Water-to-go bottle. Yes, it is made of plastic but it is used over and over again. the beauty of this bottle is that it comes with a hi-tech, NASA developed filtration system that kills 99.99% of all bacteria, filters out particulates and harmful chemicals.

You can fill it up from any non-saline source you come across. Dodgy water in a hostel or hotel in a country where water sanitation is poor, a stream, a pond or lake. Straight away you can drink the water. In my experience even tap water at home tastes better as it removes the chlorides and fluorides.

You can read all the technical data on the Water-to-go website (£)


What I love about the Water-to-go bottle

I love the modern design and funky colours; I love the taste of the water and I love how it helps me keep healthy, reduces my plastic footprint and saves me money too.

The Covid-19 pandemic has prevented me from rally getting out and about to give it a thorough testing but first impressions are favourable. I will be giving it a much fuller review in a later post.

Meanwhile there are two on offer as prizes in a competition to identify a distorted city. Go visit Where in the World (416) and try your luck.

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