The Northern Lights or Christmas lights? You chose.
I have two posts planned and I can’t decide which to write and publish first. So, I decided that I would let you, my readers and my Travel Unpacked followers (who often become my readers) on Twitter, Facebook and Google+, decide for me. Both posts will appear about 10 days apart. What I am asking you is which one should be first?
To help you decide I have written a short paragraph on each subject. Both posts will be round-up posts along the lines of “x ideas for…” (where “x” is a number yet to be decided).
Northern Lights
Having already looked at a selection of places in Europe to view the Northern Lights I will be taking a more global approach. The post will look at a selection of cruises you can take to stand the best chance of seeing the Northern Lights.
Christmas lights
I know it’s three months to Christmas when my inbox starts receiving offers and press releases for Christmas Markets across Europe. This post would look at my personal recommendations for which Christmas markets to visit and why I chose them.
Simply click on your choice in the poll below and the one that that gets the most votes will be published first followed a few days latter by the other. If you wish to expand on your answer please use the comments section. Over to you.
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Added 12:40pm 30th October 2014: The survey will close at 10:00pm [GMT] 5th November 2014.