I first started tapping the keys to launch this website about two years ago. Since then visitor numbers have increased steadily. It would be tempting to rest on my laurels but I am keen to know what you, my readers, think. and whether I could improve the website.
Below is a short survey that I would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to complete. It does not matter whether you are a regular reader or are here for the first time your views are equally important. The survey will be available until 13:00 [BST] on June 18th 2014. I will summarise the results in a post sometime after that and detail any action I may take to improve the site based on the responses
Your email address will not be asked for so you will remain anonymous. Please answer the questions honestly.
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world’s leading questionnaire tool.
Thank you for your time
Gordon Lethbridge