It was a tough challenge in this week’s “Where in the World…?” Eight distorted American cities to identify. Several of them have very recognisable skylines while others have iconic structures that make it easy to identify. The undistorted cities are below correctly identified
The first one was the Manhattan skyline of New York

The second was Houston, Texas

The third was the Golden Gate Bridge which identifies the city as San Fransisco.
The fourth US city was Seattle; identified by the Space Needle
The fifth city proved the hardest but it was Fort Worth.
The sixth photograph was Chicago.
Although not the easiest to identify this one was Miami.
The final city to identify was perhaps the most iconic. The US Capitol identified this city as Washington DC
Despite the fact that there were so many cities to identify there were two people who either came close or managed to identify all eight cities. Congratulations to Atul (@pixodentist) for correctly identifying all eight and to Tim (@timofnewbury) for identifying seven out of the eight. Both are regular winners on this page and are always willing to take on the challenge. Thanks to all who took part this week.
Back to just a single city to identify; no more mammoth challenges for a few weeks. This weeks picture is a cityscape. I suspect the tall structure may aid in the identification if the skyline is not easily identifiable.
Can you identify the city in this week’s Where in the World…? You can leave your answer in the comments below or on my Twitter feed (@lethers) with the hashtag #WITW65. If we mutually follow each other on Twitter then you could send me a direct message with your answer, not forgetting the hashtag #WITW65. You can also leave your answer under the post referring to this on the Travel Unpacked Facebook page (please like the page while you are there). Good luck.