The hand luggage manufacturer Cabin Max sent me their Lyon carry on trolley backpack bag to review. As always with my reviews I use the kit I receive in the real world. That meant the bag, or is it a trolley, or a backpack, had to come with me on my next flight.

Each of the bags in their range seems to have been given the name of a city. Coincidentally my next trip after receiving the Lyon bag was to Lyon. So the Cabin Max Lyon was going to Lyon.
I was flying their with Easyjet who have recently changed their hand luggage policy; reducing the size of any bag they will guarantee you can bring on board. They will allow a slightly large size on board but if the flight is busy it will have to go in the hold.
First impressions were good. It felt light, 1.7kg light which means that you have more weight for your travelling necessities and less used up by the bag itself. The fabric looks and feels strong and the zips have a chunky but stylish look about them.
Opening it up it seemed cavernous and a lot bigger than the stated dimensions of 55x40x20cm. There were two outside pockets. The small one on the outside is for documents and a small book which I found my iPad fitted into nicely – I imagine it would take a Kindle too. I love pockets like that on short-haul flights as they make things rapidly accessible travelling through the airport. The other outside pocket opened up to reveal a number of other pockets to take a laptop and other small travel accessories that tend to rattle around in flight bags and get lost just as you need them.
Depending on your personal preference, or the airport terrain, the bag converts so you can carry, roll or backpack it. The backpack straps are hidden away in a zipped flap that folds down around the wheels when you choose to put it on your back.
When packing I decided that as the trip was only four days and the bag seemed to have the capacity I would for the first time attempt to travel without any hold baggage. As a travel writer and photographer I always carry a camera and lenses and an iPad and portable keyboard. That means a whole set of chargers as well. I did not want all that in the hold or being thrown around by English or French baggage handlers.
Everything went in with the camera equipment all wrapped in a clothing. To me it looked a little overstuffed but Cabin Max have thoughtfully added straps on the side that help squeeze the bag back to allowable dimensions.
Airports are designed for luggage with wheels, and for those luggage trolleys that have a mind of their own. However coach stations are not. The ground is much more uneven which highlighted a small weakness in the design of the Cabin Max. The extending handle is a very comfortable T-shape with a single telescopic arm. On uneven ground this does make the trolly less stable on uneven surfaces as the trolley bag twists and bounces a little. It’s not a big issue rather a niggle.
At the airport the bag was a dream. The wheels ran smoothly and the extended handle was long enough for me not to have to stoop or have the trolley snapping at my ankles. I also discovered, unlike some bags I had used in the past, that despite being stuffed full the Cabin Max Lyon did not topple over.
Not having to check-in or visit the bag drop was a real treat but it left me with a lot more time after clearing security. No problem, out came the iPad from the easily accessible outside pocket and I was able to squeeze in some work while waiting for my flight.
At the boarding gate the Easyjet staff didn’t even give the bag a second glance. On board, as expected the bag easily fitted in the overhead locker with room to spare on top for my jacket. I would have preferred not to wear it on such a scorching hot day but it was too bulky to fit in the Lyon so I had to wear it.
The Cabin Max Lyon is an ideal bag for short haul city breaks where taking no hold luggage with you can save a heap of money. On some of budget airlines the saving on hold luggage charges pays for your Lyon and helps save for a possible future trip to Lyon as well.
The Cabin Max Lyon has set the bar high in terms of value for money. You would be hard pushed to find such quality at the £35 price tag. I was very impressed with the bag, which comes in several classy colours, and it is certain to accompany me on trips to cities other than Lyon.
Rating 9.5/10
For more details visit the Cabin Max website
The following link will take you to where you can purchase the Cabin Max Lyon (£)
8 thoughts on “Kit Review: Cabin Max Lyon”
It does indeed look bigger than those dimensions. I clicked on the amazon link and was going to get the black one, but although it’s the same model it’s a bit bigger – something to be aware of with those evil Ryanair bag size checkers!
The dimensions above are as stated on the Cabin Max website though the bag in the photos looks larger I can assure you it is not. If you click on the Amazon link at the bottom of the post it will take you to the page where you can buy the bag and the dimensions here are the same as quoted above. I did notice though that the price has been reduced.
I’ve just ordered the purple one, so thanks for the tip. For some reason the dimensions for the black one are a bit too big.
Glad you got what you wanted. Hope you are as pleased with it as I was. Are you off travelling anywhere interesting?
My old carry-on trolley was getting a bit battered and I’ve got a few short trips lined up – nothing too adventurous but a mixture of Eurostar, ferries and planes over the next six months. Looking forward to putting it to the test!
I’d be interested in how you get on and whether it lives up to expectations. Enjoy your travels – I’m in the process of planning mine.
Packing now for my first flight with the Cabin Max case – off to Belfast in the morning so fingers crossed Flybe will let me on!
Enjoy Belfast Richard. Hope they let you take the Cabin Max Lyon on.
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