Last week’s “planet” is published below, undistorted. If you don’t recognise the profile of this much photographed skyline the twin beams of light should give you a clue. They represent the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center; the city of course is New York and the photograph is of the Manhattan skyline.

This week there were several attempts at answering the question “Where in the World?” Of all those that were submitted only two people correctly identified the city as New York. Once again Tim Thomas (@timofnewbury) was correct and he is joined again this week by Kirsty (@thefrogfather). Congratulations to you both and thanks for taking part.
Perhaps this week’s “planet”, posted below, will present more of a challenge to last week’s repeat winners. Can you identify which city it is?
If you think you have identified the city then you can leave your answer in the comments below. Alternatively you can head over to my Twitter account (@lethers) and leave your answer there with the hashtag #WITW20. You can also leave your answer on the Travel Unpacked Facebook page. Good luck