Happy New Year to everyone. This is the first of 2013’s “Where in the World…” – the photographic travel quiz with a twist. Below is the undistorted view of last week’s “planet”. The iconic TV tower is the big clue to which city it is. It is the Chinese city of Shanghai.

Only one person had the correct answer. Tim Thomas (@timofnewbury) worked out that it was Shanghai. It is not the first time he has got the right answer, there are at least two other occasions. Congratulations.
This weeks “planet” is, or should be, easier. Well it is the start of a new year.
Can you guess which city it is? You can either put your answer in the comments below or, if you prefer, head over to my Twitter account (@lethers) and leave your answer there with the hashtag (#WITW17). The answer will be posted next week along with a new twisted photograph. Good luck.